
Group picture of the Team Building Activities... - 2020/09/07

Bol d'Air Aventure

Informations for Team Building Activities - 2020/09/01

The departure of the bus will be near the Nancy city center 8:00 AM at Quai St. Catherine.
We will use "Néodomiens Transport". - Google Maps "Flixbus, Quai St. Catherine"

Latest News - 2020/08/20

The School venue and Tentative program sections have been updated!

  • We recommend that you book accommodation in Nancy city centre in order to take full advantage of the pleasures of the city of Nancy.
  • The city of Nancy is located 30 min by tramway T1 + walk from the school.
  • Once you arrive on the first day, you will receive transport tickets for the Stan network and for every day of the week, so buy only the strict minimum.
  • Consider taking a comfortable and relaxed clothing for the excursion in the Vosges forest on Wednesday.

HTS Motors School Homepage

This year, the organizers of the 7th International Workshop on Numerical Modelling of High Temperature Superconductors have decided to propose a Summer School in relation to one of the specificities of the Group of Research in Electrical Engineering of Nancy (GREEN), namely the modelling and design of electrical machines associated with superconducting materials.

This school is a unique event, where hands-on problem solving with analytical methods, commercial or open-sources software complements theoretical aspects of modelling of High Temperature Superconductors. Lectures will be done by experts in the field and special attention will be paid to pedagogical aspects. This edition will be held in the premises of the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies located at Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France, aiming an exceptional, intensive and inspiring experience and networking opportunity for young researchers, as well as scientists, engineers and all those interested in the field.

Due to COVID-19, and the postponement of the 7th International Workshop on Numerical Modelling of HTS to the end of October, the HTS Motors School will not be able to take place the week after the workshop.
Therefore, the school will take place from August 31 to September 4, 2020.

The aim of the school is to educate participants in different theoretical and practical aspects of the design and modelling of superconducting electrical machines. An essential point of this school will be the practical application during the afternoons of theoretical content seen in the morning. Each participant will have access to a computer with all the necessary software. As the school is intended for doctoral students or young researchers, activities allowing the integration of the group's members and networking will also be provided.

The main topics covered are:

  • Superconductivity, bulk superconductors and their magnetization
  • Analytical modelling and design of HTS machines
  • Modeling of HTS systems including ferromagnetic materials using open-source softwares (GMSH / GetDP...)
  • Dynamic modelling and evaluation of AC Losses in HTS windings using T-A formulation in COMSOL

School Director: Kévin Berger [GREEN, Université de Lorraine – France]


We would like to acknowledge the support of the European Society for Applied Superconductivity (ESAS)

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